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National Income Accounting       

Home / Indian Economy / National Income Accounting       
  1. Various measures of National Income
  2. Gross Domestic Product
    1. Real GDP and Nominal GDP
  3. Gross National Product
  4. GDP vs GNP
    1. Net Factor Income from Abroad
    2. Depreciation
    3. Gross vs Net
    4. Net Domestic Product (NDP)
    5. Net National Product (NNP)
  5. Factors of Production
    1. Factor Cost vs Market Price
  6. GDP Deflator
  7. National Income
  8. Per capita Income
    1. Transfer Payments
  9. Personal Income
  10. Disposable Personal Income
  11. Capital-output ratio (COR)
  12. Measurement of National Income
    1. Value Added Method
    2. Income method
    3. Expenditure Method
  13. Potential GDP
    1. Factors that inhibit India from achieving its potential GDP
  14. New GDP Series 2011-12